本刊讯日前,欧洲一些主要的造纸企业针对当前的市场形势发表看法,预计全球经济还会出现新一轮滑坡,所以欧洲的造纸企业一方面压缩在欧洲的产能,另一方面越来越多地向新兴市场和包装领域进军。斯道拉恩索是全球第三大纸张、纸板制造商,该公司的CEO康佑坤(Jouko Karvinen)表示,欧洲造纸行业已经与需求减少和产能过剩做了很长时间的斗争,现在更是应该将这种市场弱势视为“新常态”来接受。他
Recently, some major European papermaking enterprises expressed their opinions on the current market situation. It is estimated that the global economy will see a new round of landslide. Therefore, the European papermaking enterprises will reduce the production capacity in Europe on the one hand, and on the other hand, more and more Enter the emerging markets and packaging. Jouko Karvinen, the company’s CEO at Stora Enso, the world’s third largest paper and paperboard maker, said that the paper industry in Europe has been fighting a long period of reduced demand and overcapacity and that it is even more time to Think of this market weakness as “new normal ” to accept. he