自1980年代起,博物馆就成为大众化的文化场所, 并被不断地建造,赢得了人们的喜爱。在过去的20年间,每设计一座博物馆,都要表现出其特色并追求与其它博物馆完全不同的形式。现在,博物馆已成为代表一个城市或一个地区特点的标志性建筑。尼安得塔尔人类学博物馆具有盘旋而上的外观,明确地反映了其内部贯穿全馆的连续的参观空间形式。楼梯和设备间全部设计在一个窄长的巨大的混凝土核心筒内。核心筒延伸至屋顶,使建筑无需另加支撑系统。因此建筑的立面可以自由地做成曲线形,由无框玻璃幕墙构成,将柔和的光线送到展览区。
Since the 1980s, the museum has become a popular cultural site, and has been continuously built, has won people's favorite. In the past 20 years, every design of a museum must exhibit its own characteristics and pursue a completely different form from other museums. Now, the museum has become a landmark building representing the characteristics of a city or a region. The Anthropological Museum of Nyhandar has a spiraling appearance that clearly reflects the continuous form of the visitor space throughout the museum. The stairs and equipment are all designed in a long narrow huge concrete core tube. The core tube extends to the roof so that the building does not require additional support systems. Therefore, the façade of the building is free to be curved and consists of a frameless glass façade, sending the soft light to the exhibition area.