回想第一次见到巴金伯伯的情景,总是让 人心里感到十分的温馨。上世纪六十年代初,我 的母亲陈学昭从当时省文联党委书记叶克同志 那里得知新上任的省文联主席方令孺同志是个 能够接近的人,便利用星期日休息时间带我到 灵隐白乐桥去看望她。方令孺长我母亲十岁,母 亲让我称呼她“大大”。母亲与大大之间很快建 立了友谊。那一日,好像是夏天,大大带我去城 站火车站,她告诉我巴金要回上海,让我和她一
Recalling the first time to see Ba Jinbabu scene, always make people feel very warm heart. In the early 1960s, my mother, Chen Xuezhao, learned from Comrade Yeh, secretary of the Party Committee of the provincial Federation of Cultural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, that Comrade Fang Lingzhi, the new chairman of the provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, was an accessible person and took me to Lingyin Bridge to visit her. Mrs. Fang made my mother ten years old and my mother told me to call her “big”. Between the mother and the great quickly established a friendship. That day, it seems to be summer, took me to the city railway station, she told me that Ba Jin should go back to Shanghai, let me and her