The financial data of listed companies that issue tradable shares are high-dimensional and complex, and it is often difficult to take full account of the investment choices of stocks using financial indicators. In order to extract the low dimensional and effective feature information from a large number of financial indicators of the sample shares to form a training set of Support Vector Machine (SVM), a heuristic algorithm (HA) is proposed to preprocess the original financial data, The original data feature information at the same time improve the training accuracy and training efficiency. In the empirical results, the annual returns of the stock portfolios finally constructed by the support vector machine model (HA-SVM) based on the heuristic algorithm are significantly higher than the annual returns of the benchmark portfolios. In addition, principal component analysis (PCA), which is widely used in dimensionality reduction and data feature extraction, is further compared with the heuristic algorithm. The results show that the accuracy of HA-SVM model training, the prediction accuracy and the selected stock portfolio The annual income is significantly higher than the PCA-SVM model.