临时受命,笔谈中国画教学,因一时拿不出主意,便借为研究生上课之机,组织学生讨论,我也参与其中。现将讨论意见整理如下几点,以塞其责。 谈中国画,就要与西画比较来谈。西画与中国画,是两种不同的绘画体系,这在美术界已达成共识。既然是不同的美术体系,就应该各有各的认知方式和表达方式,教学方式也应该有别。但多年来,全国高校美术系科的教学,几乎都采取西画教学模式。学生进校后,先画石膏,从几何体画起,到石膏头像、胸像、全身像,再改画真人头像、半身像、全身像以至人体。当学生已经习惯了西画的观察方法和写实技法之后,回
Temporary appointment, writing on Chinese painting teaching, because of a moment can not get his idea, they borrow for the postgraduate class, organize student discussions, I also participate. We will now discuss the views of the following points to plug its responsibility. On Chinese painting, we should compare with the Western painting. Western painting and Chinese painting are two different painting systems, which have reached a consensus in the art world. Since they are different art systems, they should each have their own ways of knowing and expressing themselves and their teaching methods should be different. Over the years, however, almost all teaching in the National Department of Fine Arts has taken the western painting teaching mode. Students into the school, first painted plaster, painted from the geometric body, to the plaster head, bust, body like, and then change to draw real head, bust, body and body. When the students have become accustomed to the observation of Western painting methods and realistic techniques, back