美国加利福尼亚州保险管理部门接到很多关于提高工伤保险金额的请求,同时管理部门也意识到这些赔偿金额的提高将会加重雇主们的负担。2003年1月6日,John Garamendi 长官在其就职演说上表示,他将把工伤保险的问题作为其上任后的最优先解决的问题之一,并组织成立了分别由保险商代表和消费者(包括工人、雇主和律师)组成的两个顾问小组,以帮助他把握问题所在,并能寻求解决方案。通过研究分析,对加州工伤保险市场的情况做了一个简要回顾:
California State Department of Insurance received a lot of requests for increasing the amount of work injury insurance, while management also realized that the increase in the amount of compensation will increase the burden on employers. On January 6, 2003, Executive Director John Garamendi said in his inaugural address that he will make the issue of work-related injury insurance one of the top priorities after he took office and will organize the establishment of a group comprising representatives of insurers and consumers respectively Including workers, employers and lawyers) to help him navigate the problem and find a solution. Through the research and analysis, we made a brief review of the situation of California work-related injury insurance market: