我多情的对象比男子要广大,要丰富,要纯净——就是整个生活。翻眺落峪姗绷娜簇l到摹邵配男要胃麟l粼带群黔入谷酬我喜欢多情的人。一直保持着一个习惯:如果在街上看见有图案特别漂亮的花布,就买下一尺,放在拒子里。 “真是浪费。”别人说。而我微笑。我觉得这不是浪费。浪费是把有用的东西弄得没用,而花布作为有用的东西在我这里依然有用,怎么是浪费了,若说是奢侈我也
My affectionate object than men to vast, rich, pure - is the whole life. Overlooking the valley fell into the valley stretches Na cluster l to G Shao with stomach to Lin l sparkling group Qun into the valley pay I like passionate people. Has kept a habit: If you see in the street with a very beautiful pattern of cloth, bought a foot, on the rejection of child. “It’s a waste. ” Others say. And I smile. I think this is not a waste. Waste is to useless useful things, and as a useful thing in my still useful, how is a waste, if it is a luxury I