梁启超(1873-1929),字卓如,号任公,又号饮冰室主人,广东新会人。在中国近代史上,说到戊戌变法,往往以“康梁”并称。在书法史上,康有为作为“碑学”的倡导者可谓名声卓著;而梁启超因为文名大掩盖了书名,今人知道他善书的为数不会太多。其实,梁启超除了写得一手好字以外,同时著有《书法指导》 (载《饮冰室全集》卷102),是吸收西方文艺思想阐述中国书法的一部非常难得的理论著作。
Liang Qichao (1873-1929), word Zhuo Ru, number Ren Gong, also number ice house owners, Guangdong Xinhui people. In modern Chinese history, when it comes to the reform movement in 1898, it was often said in “Kang Liang”. In the history of calligraphy, Kang Youwei is one of the most famous advocates of “tablet study.” Because Liang Qichao has a large cover of the book name, many people know that he does not have too many good books. In fact, in addition to writing well-written characters, Liang Qichao also published the Calligraphy Guidance (Volume 102 of the Complete Collection of Drinking Ice Rooms), a very rare theoretical book that absorbs Western literary thoughts and expounds Chinese calligraphy.