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我国的烟草行业是一个由国家垄断经营的特殊行业,被形象的比喻为国家计划经济的最后一块砖。进入21世纪我国加入WTO后,国内卷烟市场将进一步开放,烟草行业将面临着关税减让、配额和许可证管制放松的国内环境。我国烟草行业长期处于国家专卖管理体制下,缺乏最基本的市场竞争,仅仅依靠国家烟草专卖制度保持对销售终端的掌控力,一旦烟草专卖制度取消,烟草企业对销售终端的控制力也随之消失,届时烟草行业将面临严峻的生存环境,迫切需要转型升级。山东烟草可以凭借对销售渠道的控制优势、企业的信誉优势、物流配送优势、资金优势和卷烟产品在零售终端中的核心地位优势,联合上游供应商、控制下游终端网络,打通物流体系的最后一公里,从而打造出全新的烟草现代物流体系和现代流通品牌。 China’s tobacco industry is a special industry monopolized by the state, the image of the analogy for the state planning the last piece of brick economy. Entering the 21st century, China’s accession to the WTO, the domestic cigarette market will be further opened up, the tobacco industry will face tariff concessions, quotas and permits to relax the domestic environment. China’s tobacco industry has long been under a state monopoly management system, lacking the most basic market competition, and only relying on the national tobacco monopoly system to maintain control over the sales terminals. Once the tobacco monopoly system is canceled, the control power of tobacco companies on sales terminals disappears, By then, the tobacco industry will face a severe living environment and an urgent need for transformation and upgrading. Shandong Tobacco can rely on the control of sales channels, corporate reputation, logistics and distribution advantages, financial advantages and cigarette products in retail terminals in the core position of the advantages of joint upstream suppliers, control the downstream terminal network, open up the last logistics system Km, thus creating a new tobacco modern logistics system and modern circulation brand.
目的比较三种不同方法干预幼儿语言发育迟缓的临床效果。方法 120例语言发育迟的幼儿作为研究对象,将患儿分成A组、B组和C组,每组40例。A组予以融入趣味游戏的语言干预,B组予