一、充分认识复合型人才培训的必要性和迫切性 1、培养复合型人才是知识与人才结构更新的需要 当今的时代,是知识经济的时代,随着科学技术的进步,众多的新技术、新工艺不断出现,随之而来的是知识更新日益加快,据有关资料介绍,当今知识更新大概每五年一个周期,如果一个人的有效工作年限为40年,那么按照上述推算,应有8次更新的机会,否则就跟不上社会发展的步伐。因此,企业要发展壮大,增添发展后劲,其首要任务就是要注重职工的知识与人才结构更新,大力培养复合型人才。只有这样,才能满足社会和市场的需要。 2、培训复合型人才是职工自我生
First, fully understand the necessity and urgency of training complex talents 1, training complex talents is the need to update knowledge and talent structure Today’s era is the era of knowledge-based economy, with the progress of science and technology, a large number of new technologies, New techniques continue to emerge, resulting in an ever-accelerating knowledge update. According to relevant information, today’s knowledge update is about one cycle every five years. If a person’s useful working life is 40 years, then according to the above projections, there should be 8 The opportunity to update, otherwise they will not keep pace with social development. Therefore, enterprises should develop and grow, increase development potential, the primary task is to pay attention to employee knowledge and talent structure updates, and vigorously develop compound talents. Only in this way can we meet the needs of society and the market. 2, training complex talents are self-workers