屈指一数,从1952年起,中国乒乓球队的总教头历经更迭,现在被称为“少帅”的蔡振华已经是第六代了。第一代梁焯辉,然后是傅其芳,文革后徐寅生接任,跟着是李富荣和许绍发。1991年,蔡振华捧过帅印,继续将中国乒乓球队的优良传统发扬光大,不知不觉间又过了12个春秋。 我曾在《中国乒乓球历史上的第一次集训》一文中提过,首次国家队集训时,中南队与华东队各自竞选首任教练之事,结果由梁焯辉荣膺重任,成为我国乒坛的第一任掌门人。他十年如一日地默默耕耘,殚精竭虑,终于带领球队攀上世界高峰。
Quite a few, since 1952, the general head of the Chinese table tennis team has changed, now known as the “less handsome” Cai Zhenhua is already the sixth generation. The first generation Liang Zhuohui, and then Fu Qifang, after the Cultural Revolution Xu Yinsheng took over, followed by Li Furong and Xu Shaofa. In 1991, Cai Zhenhua touted Shuai Printing, continue to carry forward the fine tradition of Chinese table tennis team, unwittingly passed another 12 Spring and Autumn. I once mentioned in “The First Training in Chinese Table Tennis History”. When the first national team training, Zhongnan team and East China team ran for the first time. The result was awarded by Liang Zhuohui, who became the Chinese table tennis The first head. He quietly worked hard for ten years and worked hard to finally lead the team to climb the peak of the world.