在颠覆动荡的年代,唯一可行的策略就是随势而变。结合数十年来的研究成果,心理学家卡罗尔·德韦克(Carol Dweck)在《心理定向与成功》(Mindset)一书中认为,我们如何看待自己是决定我们能取得多大成就的一个重要因素。如果我们觉得自己的能力是限定的,往往不会走得很远。然而,如果我们觉得自己的能力可以不断提升,就会努力提升,因而更可能会有卓越表现。像营销这样的领域同样如此。如果我们觉得规则是限定的,往往受制于阻碍取得成就的
In the time of subversion and turmoil, the only viable strategy is to change with the trend. Combined with decades of research, the psychologist Carol Dweck in Mindset argues that what we think of ourselves as one determines how much we can achieve Key factor. If we feel that our ability is limited, we often do not go far. However, if we feel that our capabilities can continue to improve, we will work hard to improve and we are more likely to have outstanding performance. The same is true of areas like marketing. If we feel that rules are limited, they are often hampered by obstacles to achievement