随着数字技术和卫星通讯业务的飞速发展,节目上星的电视台越来越多。截至到1999年底,全国所有的省级电视台都实现了节目上星。媒体之间的竞争愈演愈烈,作为电视台的新闻部门应该认真研究新时期新闻节目的传输问题。 用电话耦合器进行 声音传输 这是一种投资小,又方便快捷的方法。利用电话及时把新闻现场情况讲述出来,经过电话耦
With the rapid development of digital technology and satellite communications business, more and more television stations are starred in the show. By the end of 1999, all the provincial TV stations in the country have achieved the highest ratings. As media competition intensifies, the news department of a television station should carefully study the transmission of news programs in the new era. Using a telephone coupler for voice transmission This is a small investment, but also a quick and easy way. Use the phone in time to tell the news scene, through the phone coupling