别名面条菜(盱眙)。形态特征多年生草本,高达3尺左右。茎直立,略带乳白色。叶对生或互生,线形,两端尖锐,全缘。花有柄,成项生的总状花序而呈穗状,花冠淡黄色,有距。花期8—9月。分布和生长环境各地庭园中多见栽培药用部分及采收全草。夏秋采挖全草,除去泥土,晒干,或用鲜草随采随用。主治用法 1.风湿性心脏病:柳穿鱼(面条菜)鲜全草2两(干草1两)每日一剂,水煎
Alias noodles dish (盱 眙). Morphological perennial herbs, up to 3 feet. Stem erect, slightly milky white. Leaves opposite or alternate, linear, sharp at both ends, entire. Flowers stalked, into a racemelike racemes, racemes pale yellow, with a distance. Flowering from August to September. Distribution and growth environment Around the garden more common medicinal part of cultivation and harvest the whole plant. Summer and autumn excavation whole grass, remove the soil, dried, or with fresh grass with mining. Indications Usage 1. Rheumatic heart disease: Liu wearing fish (noodles vegetables) fresh grass 2 two (hay 1 two) a day, decoction