黑河市档案局(馆)始建于1964年,馆藏现存清代、民国、革命历史档案和建国后档案资料共259 557卷(件),时间跨度100余年。市档案局现设党支部1个,支部成员3名,现有中共党员12名。近年来,黑河市档案局认真履行管党治党职责,全面落实从严治党责任,始终把党建工作摆在突出位置,坚持把党建工作与业务工作同规划、同部署、同检查、同考核,以创新、服务、发展为目标,着力在强责任、转作风、重常态、求
Archives Bureau of Heihe City (Museum) was founded in 1964, and houses a total of 259,557 volumes of archives of the Qing Dynasty, Republic of China, revolutionary history and archives after the founding of the People’s Republic of China with a span of more than 100 years. City Archives Bureau now has 1 branch, branch members 3, 12 members of the existing Communist Party. In recent years, the archives bureau of Heihe City has conscientiously fulfilled the duties of administering the party in charge of governing the party, fully implemented the responsibility of strictly administering the party, always placed the party building work in a prominent position, insisted that the party building work and business work should be planned, deployed, reviewed and examined together , To innovation, service, development as the goal, focus on strong responsibility, style, heavy normal, seeking