2002年元月的中国车市热闹非凡,随着进口车关税大幅下调,各路汽车诸侯在一片降价声中拿出各自看家本领。一番大战过后,人们在探寻其中的赢家。 “江铃皮卡卖疯了”,从车市传来这样的消息。去年曾在中国轻型车市场创销量递增43.3%奇迹的江铃汽车集团公司,与许多厂家表面热闹成交依旧冷清的状况不同,今年以来,江铃JMC皮卡、全顺特种商用车等多个品种一直供不应求,生产计划一再追加。各生产车间加班加点,一片繁忙喜庆的景象。
In January 2002, the Chinese car market was crowded with cars. With the sharp reduction of tariffs on imported cars, various automobile princes came up with their own housekeeping skills in a price cut. After a big battle, people are looking for the winner. “Jiangling pickup sell crazy”, came from the automobile market such news. Last year jinling automobile group company, which had achieved a 43.3% increase in sales volume in the light truck market in China, was in short supply due to the still deserted turnover of many manufacturers. Since this year, JMC Pickup trucks and full commercial vehicles have been in short supply. Plan to add again and again. The production workshop overtime, a busy scene of festive.