在日常生活中,许多人或许都有过这样的经历:家人或是自已生病了,往往会因为医院治疗费用太高而放弃,而凭借自己的经验或者别人的介绍去买药“自疗”。但是到了药店才发现、自已要买的药不仅品种多而且同一种药的名字也不相同,就有些发懵:到底该买哪一种呢? 事实上这种情况并不少见。许多药品会因为生产厂家的不同、翻泽的不同等,而出现一种药品有一个或者多个别名,从而混淆了人们的眼睛,造成选择的困难,而这些药品的疗效往往是没有多大区别的。 本刊去年曾经分别介绍过青霉素、
In daily life, many people may have experienced this: the family or their own illness, and often because the hospital treatment costs are too high to give up, but by virtue of their own experience or others to buy medicine “self-treatment.” However, only to the pharmacy found that the drug itself to buy not only more varieties and the same drug name is not the same, there are some fat: what exactly to buy it? In fact, this situation is not uncommon. Many drugs appear to have one or more aliases for one drug due to different manufacturers and different colors, which confuse people’s eyes and make choices difficult. And the curative effect of these drugs is often not very different . Last year, we introduced penicillin,