已过而立之年的谭云,在中学毕业后,书画之道,几乎是他与生俱来的梦想。所以,十多年来,一边拜师学艺,结交书画同道,一边刻苦自学,手不释卷(博览历代名家法迹),笔不离手(常常是午夜挥毫,直至破晓)。清贫自守,不改其志;冬来暑往,甘苦备尝。虽一家三口,身居陋室,却已富有所藏(书、画册、名家作品、自家作品)。几年前自号斋名,曰:云水斋。志在寄情山水,莫问归处。 上述种种,在如今年月的人欲横流、追名逐利的“卡通时代”“信息时代”“全民皆商时代”“流行文化时代”
Tan Yun has passed the year, after graduating from high school, the road of painting and calligraphy, almost his inherent dream. Therefore, for more than a decade, he has been teaching art and making calligraphy and painting at the same time. As he painstakingly studies himself, he has never given up. Poverty and self-defense, do not change their records; winter to summer, willing to prepare. Although a family of three, living in shabby, but already rich possession (books, pictures, famous works, own works). A few years ago from the vegetarian name, said: cloud water fast. Zhiling love landscapes, Mo asked to go home. These all sorts of, in today’s months of people want to cross-flow, chase fame “cartoon age” “information age” “all ages” “popular culture era”