一 20世纪现代戏剧的研究者们,也把目光投向19世纪末叶的文化,试图从中发现他们研究对象的底蕴和根苗。其中,哲学家尼采和戏剧家契诃夫是最令人瞩目的。 斯坦福大学的马丁·埃斯林教授是最早给荒诞戏剧立论的(“荒诞派戏剧”这个称谓就是他的发明)。他在《荒诞派戏剧》(1962)一书中对这个戏剧新潮作全面阐述之前,先
Researchers of a modern 20th century drama have also turned their attention to the culture of the late 19th century, trying to discover the essence and roots of their research objects. Among them, the philosopher Nietzsche and the dramatist Chekhov are the most remarkable. Professor Martin Esslin of Stanford University was the earliest to make an argument for the absurd drama (“The Absurd Drama” is his invention). In his book Absurd Drama (1962), a full-fledged account of this drama,