目的探讨高频超声在膝关节色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎的鉴别诊断中的应用.方法应用日本ALOKAα10型超声诊断仪对12例膝关节肿胀患者进行超声影像学检查,观察关节内部关节囊、滑膜、韧带等情况,并用多普勒扫查血流情况,分别与健侧对比,并行膝关节镜探查、滑膜清理,切除的滑膜组织做病理检查.结果12例患者高频超声均显示滑膜增厚并有珊瑚状突起低回声区域或伴混杂信号,观察内部血流情况,11例可见突起边缘和内部不均匀的Ⅲ级血流信号,1例患者为0级血流信号.结论高频超声彩色血流成像在膝关节色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎的鉴别诊断中有着重要的临床意义.“,”Objective To evaluate clinical application value of high-frequency ultrasonography in the differential diagnosis of the knee pigmented villonodular synovitis. Methods By the ultrasonography results of 12 cases with swelling in the knee who inspected with Japan ALOKAα10 type,observing jointcapsule,synovium,ligaments,and scanning the blood flow with doppler,Compared with the contralateral.Knee arthroscopy was checked,knee synovials was cleaned-up,synovial was removable to pathological examination.Results 12 cases with high-frequency ultrasonography showed synovial thickening and coral-shaped hypoechoic area with mixed signals.Observing internal blood,protruding edges and uneven Class III blood flow signal were in the 11 cases,Class I blood flow signal was seen in 1 case.Conclusion High-frequency ultrasonography color flow imaging has important clinical significance in the differential diagnosis of knee pigmented villonodular synovitis.