近年来 ,北满特钢电弧炉炼钢厂开发应用三联法冶炼工艺 ,利用现有 40tLF(VD)精炼设备对1 5t电弧炉和 30t偏心底出钢电弧炉混合钢水进行二次精炼 ,提高了钢的实物质量 ,充分利用了合金废钢 ,降低了产品成本。1 三联法工艺的提出由于用户需要的高合金钢须进行二次精炼处
In recent years, northern full steel EAF steelmaking development and application of triple the smelting process, the use of the existing 40tLF (VD) refining equipment for 15t EAF and 30t eccentric bottom EAF molten steel secondary refining, increased The physical quality of steel, make full use of alloy scrap, reducing product costs. A triple method of the proposed process due to the needs of users of high alloy steel secondary refining Department