广场是共同体的象征,有的广场起源于商业;有的广场可以听见教堂的钟声;在伦敦,特拉法尔加广场是为了纪念 Nelson 海军上将;北京有它独一无二的天安门广场;人民广场可算作上海的内聚中转站;香港的金紫荆广场则多少带着政治意味。但总体来说,我国和欧洲的城市广场在某种意义上有着很大的差别。到过西欧国家旅游的朋友可能会有一个深切的体会,那里很多城市都有教堂,教堂前面几乎都有一个广场,如巴黎圣
The square is a symbol of the community. Some squares originate from commerce; some squares can hear church bells; in London, Trafalgar Square commemorates Nelson’s Admiral; Beijing has its unique Tiananmen Square; It can be counted as a courier transfer point in Shanghai; Hong Kong’s Golden Bauhinia Square is somewhat political. But overall, the city squares in China and Europe are quite different in some sense. Friends who have traveled to Western European countries may have a profound experience. There are churches in many cities and there is almost a square in front of the church.