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“美是人们创造生活、改造世界的能动活动及其在现实中的实现或对象化。作为客观的对象,美是一个感性具体的存在,它一方面是一个合规律的存在,体现着自然和社会发展的规律,一方面又是人的能动创造的结果。所以美是包含或体现社会生活的本质、规律,能够引起人们特定情感反映的具体形象。(包括社会形象、自然形象和艺术形象)”(王朝闻《美学概论》)因此,我们说,美作为一种客观存在,首先在于它具有其相对独立的一面。正如列宁论证社会存在客观性时所说,“所谓客观的,并不是指有意识的生物的社会(即人的社会),能够不依赖于有意识的生物的存在而存在和发展,……而是指社会存在不依赖于人们的社会意识。”其次,美作为一种社会实践的结果,又有依附人的实践活动的一面。马克思曾经说过:“从主体方面来看:只有音乐才能激起人的音乐感,对于不辨音律的耳朵说来,最美的音乐也无意义,音乐对它说来不是对象。”(马克思《1844年经济学——哲学手稿》)这就是美的二重性,既客观性和社会性。 “Beauty is the active activity of people in creating life and transforming the world, and its realization or objectification in reality.” As an objective object, beauty is a perceptual concrete existence. On the one hand, it is a law of conformity, The law of social development, on the one hand, is also the result of the creation of human beings, so beauty is a concrete image that contains or embodies the essence and law of social life and can cause people’s specific emotions to be reflected (including social image, natural image and artistic image) Therefore, we say that the United States as an objective reality lies, first of all, in that it has its relative independence. As Lenin argued that society exists in objectivity, “so-called objective does not mean that a society of conscious creatures (ie human society) can exist and develop independently of the existence of conscious creatures ... but rather Social existence does not depend on people’s social awareness. ”Second, the United States as a result of social practice, there are dependent man’s practical activities. Marx once said: “From the subjective point of view, only music can arouse people’s sense of music, and the most beautiful music does not make sense for those who do not know the law of temperament, and the music is not an object to it.” (Marx, 1844 Economics - Philosophical Manuscripts) This is the duality of beauty, both objectivity and sociality.
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