
来源 :人力资源管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rogerfederersxt
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随着市场经济的高速发展,现代企业的管理模式跟以前发生了翻天覆地的变化,人力资源管理作为一种新型的管理模式,在现代企业管理中占有不可或缺的地位。人力资源管理是否成功直接影响整个企业是否正常运转和进一步发展。本文旨在通过对人力资源管理的内容和特点的分析,进一步阐述该项管理的重要性。 With the rapid development of market economy, the modern enterprise management mode has undergone tremendous changes with the past. As a new management mode, human resource management occupies an indispensable position in the modern enterprise management. The success of human resources management directly affects the entire enterprise is functioning and further development. The purpose of this paper is to further elaborate the importance of this management through the analysis of the content and characteristics of human resource management.
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