【摘 要】
On May 21, 2000, for the first time in the history of Shymkent City, in South Kazakhstan state of Kazakhstan, mass demonstrations were carried out for those who died of AIDS. About 300 people, mainly college students and secondary school students, gathered in the central square to commemorate the 80-person Kazakh-born Tonglitang lighted candle. The number of people living with HIV in southern Kazakhstan ranks third behind Kazakhstan after Karaganda and Almaty. According to official sources, 29 South Kazakhstanians carry the AIDS virus, and 27 of them are drug users using syringes. Nearly 20,000 South Kazakhstan residents have a drug addiction, meaning every 100
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[摘要] 随着信息技术的飞速发展,人们在越来越依赖信息通信的同时也增加的很大的能耗,本文主要对通信网络的能耗进行分析,并提出相应的降耗措施,仅供参考。 [关键词] 通信网络;节能降耗;技术 随着科技化、信息化建设步伐的不断深入,我国的通信行业已逐步发展成为国民绎济的基础型支柱产业,给人们的工作、生活及沟通交流方式带来,极大的便利,使各领域的生产管理绎济效益实现了稳步提升。同时,通信行业服务