如果说凤阳县的农村家庭承包责任制是对中国经济发展和体制改革的一大贡献 ,那末乡镇工业的成长和发展则是江苏省对中国经济发展和体制改革的一大贡献。正是在计划经济体制走到最极端的时期里 ,乡镇工业在苏南农村率先崛起。从“异军突起”到占有江苏工业经济的“半壁江山” ,?
If Rural Household Contract Responsibility System in Fengyang County is a major contribution to China’s economic development and institutional reform, the growth and development of township and town industries will be a major contribution of Jiangsu Province to China’s economic development and structural reform. It is precisely in the most extreme period when the planned economic system came to an end that the township and village industries took the lead in rural areas of southern Jiangsu. From “sudden emergence” to occupy “half of Jiangsu’s industrial economy”,?