冬天的拉萨城与往常不太一样,变得更像是一个用来居住而不是旅游或者观光的城市。阳光成为这个城市的主人,它们撒满城市的每一个角落,凸现出拉萨的质感,仿佛每一条街道,每一栋房屋,每一片砖,每一匹瓦都变得细致起来。这些在旅游旺季里被人们遗忘的事物,在冬日里恢复了它们的美丽。 冬天去拉萨,也许才会真正看见拉萨的诗意,感触这个城市的灵魂。 美服、美食、美景、美人交织在拉萨城内,八角街疯狂购物,街心公园悠闲喝茶,夜幕下,快乐在咖啡的香气中、啤酒的泡沫中、酥油茶的美味中滋生、曼延、疯长。你能看见沧桑的身影飘荡在霓虹闪烁的城市街道上,最时尚的物质享受与最纯粹的藏族风情合而为一,夜色中的拉萨变模糊了理想与现实的背景,她正是你想去的地方,身在其中,又遥不可及。 周光强说拉萨的冬天是完美的,在他去过的世界名城中,拉萨的冬天最容易让人亲近。也有人因为一些具体的理由喜欢拉萨,比如泡温泉澡,吃火炉炖羊肉,到郊外看动物,或者一次装模作样的打猎。拉萨的冬天为每个人提供了热爱她的理由。
The city of Lhasa in winter is not as usual, becoming more like a city for living rather than for sightseeing or traveling. Sunshine has become the masters of the city, they sprinkle every corner of the city, highlights the texture of Lhasa, as if every street, every house, every piece of brick, every tile has become more meticulous. These things forgotten during the tourist season have restored their beauty in winter. Winter to Lhasa, Lhasa may actually see the poetic, feel the soul of this city. Beauty, food, beauty, beauty intertwined in the city of Lhasa, Bajiao Street crazy shopping, leisurely drinking tea Street Park, the night, happy in the aroma of coffee, beer foam, butter tea delicious breed, Man Yan, crazy. You can see the shadow of the vicissitudes floating in the neon lights of the city streets, the most fashionable material and the most pure Tibetan style into one, Lhasa night blurred the ideal and the reality of the background, she is exactly what you want Go where, in them, and out of reach. Zhou Guangqiang said Lhasa’s winter is perfect. Among the world famous cities he visited, Lhasa’s winter is most likely to be very close to the people. There are also people who love Lhasa for some specific reasons, such as hot spring baths, lamb stew in stoves, animals on the outskirts of the country, or a model hunt. Lhasa’s winter offers everyone the reason to love her.