随着中国与世界市场联系目趋紧密,经济全球化进程逐步加快,我国工业化现代化进程处于结构调整、产业升级的重要阶段,如何把握世界经济发展走势,充分发挥具有技术、资金和劳动力三要素密集特征的船舶工业的作用,抓住国际产业转移的历史机遇,凭借本国资源禀赋优势积极参与国际分工,更好地推动国民经济增长质量的提高,是摆在我们面前的重要课题。本刊从这一期开始,开辟《船舶制造》栏目,组织相关文章,试图通过对世界船舶制造业的历史、产业特性及发展趋势的分析,包括对国际造船重心从西欧国家向东亚国家历史性转移趋势的分析,总结改革开放20多年来中国船舶工业参与国际竞争的成功经验,按照国务院领导确立的船舶工业新世纪发展目标,力求全方位地探讨中国船舶工业在新世纪的头一、二十年里如何抓住机遇,迎接挑战,开拓进取的基本方略,集思广益,群策群力,推动“成为世界第一造船大国”宏伟目标的早日实现。 ——编者
With the close contact between China and the world market and the gradual acceleration of the process of economic globalization, the process of China’s industrialization modernization is at an important stage of structural adjustment and industrial upgrading. How to grasp the trend of world economic development and give full play to the three elements of technology, capital and labor intensively It is an important issue before us to take advantage of the historical opportunities of the international shipping industry by taking advantage of the historical opportunities of the international shipping industry and actively participate in the international division of labor with the advantages of natural resources in our country and to better promote the enhancement of the quality of national economic growth. This issue from the beginning of this issue, open up “shipbuilding” section, organize articles, trying to analyze the history of the world shipbuilding industry, industry characteristics and trends, including the international shipbuilding center of gravity from Western Europe to the historic East Asian countries Analysis of the trend of transfer, summed up the successful experience of China’s shipbuilding industry in international competition over the past 20 years of reform and opening up, in accordance with the development goals of the shipbuilding industry in the new century established by the leadership of the State Council, and strive to explore all-round exploration of China’s shipbuilding industry in the first century, In the years how to seize the opportunity to meet the challenges, pioneering and enterprising basic strategy, brainstorming, work together to promote “the world’s largest shipbuilding power,” the grand goal of the earliest possible. --editor