一、问题的提出 (1)经济建设必须依靠科技进步,科技工作必须面向经济建设,这是我国发展技术经济的一项带全局性的战略方针,也是科技体制改革的根本指导思想。电子工业部直属研究所大多是工业应用发展研究所,在科技面向经济建设的工作中将担负着特殊的使命。 (2)研究所的改革势在必行,改革的中心环节是把研究所搞活。长期以来,我国经济、科技体制缺乏一种内在的调节控制机制,这大大束缚了研究所的积极性和创造性的发挥;同时,助长了研究所对国家上级主管部门的依赖
First, the issue is raised (1) Economic construction must rely on scientific and technological progress, and scientific and technological work must be geared to economic development. This is a strategic policy with a holistic approach to the development of China’s technology economy, and it is also the basic guiding principle for the reform of the science and technology system. Most of the research institutes directly under the Ministry of Electronics Industry are industrial application development institutes. They will assume a special mission in the work of science and technology for economic construction. (2) The reform of the institute is imperative. The central part of the reform is to invigorate the institute. For a long time, China’s economic and scientific and technological systems lacked an internal regulatory control mechanism, which greatly hampered the Institute’s enthusiasm and creative play; at the same time, it has contributed to the Institute’s reliance on higher authorities in the country.