Mechanical analysis of finite element modeling in the turning process of RRA pump turning equipment
Wang Xiangjiang, Liu Huaimin, Ding Li, Jiang Chenghui
(Hengyang 421001, School of mechanical engineering, Nanhua University)
Abstract: The residual heat removal pump (hereinafter referred to as RRA pump) is used for the residual heat removal of the reactor in the nuclear power plant, which plays an important role in the safe operation of the nuclear power plant. In the past, the efficiency of turning and lifting is low in the routine maintenance every year. For this reason, a special turning equipment is developed and designed. The accuracy of its finite element modeling and mechanical analysis is the basis of its further dynamic analysis. Based on the dynamic and static theory, the motion equation of RRA in the process of overturning and lifting is established, and the dynamic equation is obtained by the finite element method. In the finite element software, the finite element modeling of the overturning equipment is carried out by the entity element, and the maximum stress field of the dangerous moving node when the equipment bears the ultimate load is analyzed. The fatigue life of the main transmission system is predicted by the fatigue analysis theory. The analysis and evaluation are carried out The safety and reliability of 360 ° turning of workpieces completed by the equipment for the first time and the rationality of the structure design of the equipment are discussed.
Key Word:RRA; ANSYS finite element modeling; mechanical analysis; constraints
基于虚拟样机技术对RRA泵自动翻转提升机危险运动节点及主传动系统进行动力学仿真分析,并与理论解析结果对比,确保分析结果更准确、贴近实际;结合设备运行过程中的动力学分析结果,应用ANSYS有限元分析软件,分析设备危险运动节点的最大应力场,并对关键零部件如直线导轨、抱夹机构、回转驱动、丝杆和脚轮等进行强度校核;上述理论与仿真分析结果,为零部件结构设计优化提供可靠的参考依据,对设备首次安全试车运行及预测设备在今后使用过程中可能存在的问题具有重要参考价值;应用理论解析推导设备翻转提升工件不同工位时,变量工位的最佳翻转角度,制定最佳的翻转工艺。结合上述翻转机结构设计经验与核电设备检修厂家反馈意见,参考通用翻转变位机工作原理,提出一种造价低廉、安全可靠、适用RRA泵绝大多数工位变位要求的翻转提升机设计新方案,解決RRA泵检修厂家翻转变位工件效率低下的现状。 2.RRA翻转设备结构(RRA upender structure)
3.有限元模型的建立(Establishment of finite element model)
4.仿真分析(Simulation analysis)
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Mechanical analysis of finite element modeling in the turning process of RRA pump turning equipment
Wang Xiangjiang, Liu Huaimin, Ding Li, Jiang Chenghui
(Hengyang 421001, School of mechanical engineering, Nanhua University)
Abstract: The residual heat removal pump (hereinafter referred to as RRA pump) is used for the residual heat removal of the reactor in the nuclear power plant, which plays an important role in the safe operation of the nuclear power plant. In the past, the efficiency of turning and lifting is low in the routine maintenance every year. For this reason, a special turning equipment is developed and designed. The accuracy of its finite element modeling and mechanical analysis is the basis of its further dynamic analysis. Based on the dynamic and static theory, the motion equation of RRA in the process of overturning and lifting is established, and the dynamic equation is obtained by the finite element method. In the finite element software, the finite element modeling of the overturning equipment is carried out by the entity element, and the maximum stress field of the dangerous moving node when the equipment bears the ultimate load is analyzed. The fatigue life of the main transmission system is predicted by the fatigue analysis theory. The analysis and evaluation are carried out The safety and reliability of 360 ° turning of workpieces completed by the equipment for the first time and the rationality of the structure design of the equipment are discussed.
Key Word:RRA; ANSYS finite element modeling; mechanical analysis; constraints
基于虚拟样机技术对RRA泵自动翻转提升机危险运动节点及主传动系统进行动力学仿真分析,并与理论解析结果对比,确保分析结果更准确、贴近实际;结合设备运行过程中的动力学分析结果,应用ANSYS有限元分析软件,分析设备危险运动节点的最大应力场,并对关键零部件如直线导轨、抱夹机构、回转驱动、丝杆和脚轮等进行强度校核;上述理论与仿真分析结果,为零部件结构设计优化提供可靠的参考依据,对设备首次安全试车运行及预测设备在今后使用过程中可能存在的问题具有重要参考价值;应用理论解析推导设备翻转提升工件不同工位时,变量工位的最佳翻转角度,制定最佳的翻转工艺。结合上述翻转机结构设计经验与核电设备检修厂家反馈意见,参考通用翻转变位机工作原理,提出一种造价低廉、安全可靠、适用RRA泵绝大多数工位变位要求的翻转提升机设计新方案,解決RRA泵检修厂家翻转变位工件效率低下的现状。 2.RRA翻转设备结构(RRA upender structure)
3.有限元模型的建立(Establishment of finite element model)
4.仿真分析(Simulation analysis)
[1] 新装 250 吨自动翻转工装投入使用[EB/OL]. [2012-11-28](2013-11-8). http://www. china- erzhong.com/news/Show Article.asp? ArticleID.
[2] 洪嘉振. 计算多体系统动力学[M]. 北京:高等教育出版社,1999: 2~14.
[3] 郑则坡. 基于虚拟样机技术的桥梁检测车动力学仿真分析[D]. 成都:西南交通大学硕士学位论文, 2011:6~8.
[4] Lee K M, Shah D K. Dynamic analysis of a three-degrees-of-freedom in-parallel actuated manipulator[J]. Robotics and Automation, IEEE Journal of, 1988, 4(3): 361-367.
[5] 崔金海. 简易翻转架的设计及应用[J]. 汽车工艺与材料, 2000, 4(6): 37~38. 712014,3140( 915): 228~235.
[6] 张文志, 韩情凯, 刘亚忠, 等. 机械结构有限元分析[M]. 哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社, 2010:1~9.
[7] 殷有泉. 非线性有限元基础[M]. 北京: 北京大学出版社, 2007: 2~10.
[8] 陈超祥. Solidworks Motion 运动仿真教程[M]. 北京: 机械工業出版社, 2012:227~231.
[9] 杨达毅,陈丽敏. 基于 Sliodworks 的六自由度液压平台运动仿真[J]. 机床与液压,2008,36(9):55~58.
[10] 于荣伟, 朱晓慧. MATLAB 基础及应用[M]. 北京: 机械工业出版社, 2008: 68~70.
[11] 鲁惠民, 陈运远, 朱林娟, 等. 机械工程材料性能数据手册[J]. 北京:机械工业出版社, 1994: 199~200.
[12] 白象忠, 谭文峰, 张文飞, 等. 材料力学[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2007: 51~53.
[13] 马晓峰. ABAQUS 6.11 有限元分析从入门到精通[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社, 2013:1~8.
[14] 石亦平 , 周玉蓉 . ABAQUS 有限元分析实例详解 [M]. 北京 : 机械工业出版社 , 2006: 282~283.
[15] 黄琳. 港口托班翻转机的设计[D]. 天津:天津大学硕士学位论文,2012:4~8.
[16] 郭景坤, 董方亮. 大型自动翻转机的设计研究[J]. 一重技术, 2009, 132(6): 20~22.
[17] 王化清. 大型工件翻转设备的设计与应用[J]. 金属加工,2010,(1):42~45.