1985年11月~1986年5月我们采用腹腔注射莨菪类药物并辅以小剂量利尿药治疗8例肝炎后肝硬化腹水,收到了腹水消退迅速,操作简单,经济安全的效果。 1.临床资料 8例中男7例,女1例,年龄37岁~68岁。有明确肝炎病史者7例,均有腹胀胃部饱满感,食纳差,尿少;面色晦暗,蜘蛛痣,腹部膨隆,叩诊有移动性浊音,腹围80cm~100cm,下肢明显浮肿,肝触诊均不满意;脾大者6例,且伴有脾功亢进表现,
From November 1985 to May 1986, we treated 8 cases of posthepatitic cirrhosis with ascites by intraperitoneal injection of the drug of genus and treated with low-dose diuretics. The results showed that the ascites rapidly disappeared, the operation was simple and the economy was safe. 1 clinical data in 8 cases, 7 males and 1 female, aged 37 years to 68 years. Have a clear history of hepatitis in 7 cases, both abdominal fullness stomach sense, poor appetite, oliguria; looking dull, spider nevus, abdominal bulging, percussion mobile dullness, abdominal circumference 80cm ~ 100cm, lower extremity obvious edema, liver touch Were not satisfied with the diagnosis; splenomegaly in 6 cases, accompanied by hypersplenism performance,