在现场勘查中制作立体足迹印模普遍采用石膏灌注法,采用此方法的第一步就是制作灌模的围墙。围墙的好坏直接关系到石膏灌注的成败,关系到提取足迹的成功与否。 现行常规的使用泥土筑墙的方法存在着耗费时间长,起足迹不方便,灌注的石膏足迹边沿不整齐、不美观等弊病;有时也由于受环境的影响而找不到合适的泥土来制作围墙。用制作成型的铝制多用围墙
In the scene of making three-dimensional footprint impressions commonly used gypsum perfusion method, the first step in the use of this method is to make the filling mold wall. The wall is directly related to the success or failure of gypsum perfusion, the success of the extraction of the footprint. The current conventional methods of using earth and mud wall have the drawbacks of long time consuming, inconvenient footprints, uneven edges of gypsum footprints, and poor appearance. Sometimes, due to environmental impact, no suitable soil can be used to make the wall . Made of molded aluminum multipurpose wall