【摘 要】 各类课程与思政理论相融合,运用课程思政,达成协同效应,实现课程思政的隐性教育功能,构建全课程的育人体。。开展课程思政视域下高中英语戏剧教学法与英语深度阅读的实践探索过程中,本人运用戏剧教学法开设市级公开研讨课,探究深度阅读教学的流程,促进学生迁移所学英语知识,解决英语深度阅读课的实际问题,加强协作,激发学生高阶思维,积极发展学生批判性思维和创新能力,实现教学目标。
【关键词】 课程思政 戏剧教学法 深度阅读
本人开设市级公开课,积极与身边的老师探讨高中英语戏剧教学法与深度阅读教学。以下是人教版教材戏剧文本Book 8 Unit 4 Pygmalion Act One Fateful Meeting的教学案例。
Step 1 Activating. (Guide students to know about setting)
1. The Myth behind the play.
2. What is “Pygmalion Effect” about?
3. What are the six key elements of drama?
1) The theme (message, thought)
2) The main characters
3) The plots (conflicts, plot line, emotional line)
4) Diction
5) Uses of music (tune, singing, instruments,meter, etc.)
6) Spectacle (special effects, lighting, sounds, costumes, combat, etc.)
4. Background information(Students explore background knowledge): During that period in London, laboring people like Eliza Doolittle lived in slums (貧民窟). They didnt have heat or hot water. And they had to put coins in a meter to get electric light.The class structure in England at that time was very rigid.
5. Use these strategies to get to know how to appreciate the play.(read and search)
Step 2 Perceiving and exploring.
Skim the text for the first time and find the general idea of each paragraph. Scan the text and figure out the detail information to work out the information flow or structure diagram with key words. Then students review the notes and quickly memorize the general idea of the whole passage.
Reading and thinking—for main idea, structure & details
1) Use fast-reading strategy to find the main idea and the structure of the passage.
2) Use careful-reading to get some important details or specific information. Perceive the conflicts and explore the heroines feelings. Seize the conflict movement. Inquire why they were called fateful meetings. (设计意图:通过思政视域下的问题链,帮助学理解剧本背后的寓意。)
6. Information flow:
Elison met Higgins and Colonel Pickering. Eliza wanted to sell flowers to Colonel Pickering, Higgins noticed her pronunciation and tended to change her life. (通过信息流,帮助学生梳理剧本脉络和框架)
Step 3 Enquiring and acting.
1) Enquiring to expressing (Engaging)
Work in group and try to act it out the roles vividly (Act One).
2) Enquiring to acting (work out continuation writing & acting)
Step 4 Presenting and evaluating.
Present your work and expand reading the whole play of “Pygmalion”
1) Presentation to expanding (create an act and show)
First work alone and then in group从思政视域的角度描绘不同社会阶层的人物的语言和行为。
2) Presentation to evaluation: Group work—Role-play and share (PK Group 1—Group 8)
Step 5 Consolidating.
1) Summarize the lesson and polish your continuation— writing works.
2) Writing( Imagine you were Pygmalion, write about her experience of learning English.)
[1] 李金辉.将“课程思政”融入高中英语课程教学[J].英语教师,2020(4).
[2] 朱开群.基于深度学习的“深度教学”[J].上海教育科研,2017(5).
【关键词】 课程思政 戏剧教学法 深度阅读
本人开设市级公开课,积极与身边的老师探讨高中英语戏剧教学法与深度阅读教学。以下是人教版教材戏剧文本Book 8 Unit 4 Pygmalion Act One Fateful Meeting的教学案例。
Step 1 Activating. (Guide students to know about setting)
1. The Myth behind the play.
2. What is “Pygmalion Effect” about?
3. What are the six key elements of drama?
1) The theme (message, thought)
2) The main characters
3) The plots (conflicts, plot line, emotional line)
4) Diction
5) Uses of music (tune, singing, instruments,meter, etc.)
6) Spectacle (special effects, lighting, sounds, costumes, combat, etc.)
4. Background information(Students explore background knowledge): During that period in London, laboring people like Eliza Doolittle lived in slums (貧民窟). They didnt have heat or hot water. And they had to put coins in a meter to get electric light.The class structure in England at that time was very rigid.
5. Use these strategies to get to know how to appreciate the play.(read and search)
Step 2 Perceiving and exploring.
Skim the text for the first time and find the general idea of each paragraph. Scan the text and figure out the detail information to work out the information flow or structure diagram with key words. Then students review the notes and quickly memorize the general idea of the whole passage.
Reading and thinking—for main idea, structure & details
1) Use fast-reading strategy to find the main idea and the structure of the passage.
2) Use careful-reading to get some important details or specific information. Perceive the conflicts and explore the heroines feelings. Seize the conflict movement. Inquire why they were called fateful meetings. (设计意图:通过思政视域下的问题链,帮助学理解剧本背后的寓意。)
6. Information flow:
Elison met Higgins and Colonel Pickering. Eliza wanted to sell flowers to Colonel Pickering, Higgins noticed her pronunciation and tended to change her life. (通过信息流,帮助学生梳理剧本脉络和框架)
Step 3 Enquiring and acting.
1) Enquiring to expressing (Engaging)
Work in group and try to act it out the roles vividly (Act One).
2) Enquiring to acting (work out continuation writing & acting)
Step 4 Presenting and evaluating.
Present your work and expand reading the whole play of “Pygmalion”
1) Presentation to expanding (create an act and show)
First work alone and then in group从思政视域的角度描绘不同社会阶层的人物的语言和行为。
2) Presentation to evaluation: Group work—Role-play and share (PK Group 1—Group 8)
Step 5 Consolidating.
1) Summarize the lesson and polish your continuation— writing works.
2) Writing( Imagine you were Pygmalion, write about her experience of learning English.)
[1] 李金辉.将“课程思政”融入高中英语课程教学[J].英语教师,2020(4).
[2] 朱开群.基于深度学习的“深度教学”[J].上海教育科研,2017(5).