目的调查2008年广州市20岁以上正常人群甲型肝炎抗体(抗-HAV IgG)流行率。方法 2008年在广州市南方医院健康体检人群中,采集20岁以上5个年龄组正常人群血清500份,应用雅培(Abbott)公司抗-HAV IgG诊断试剂盒(化学发光法),定性检测血清中的抗-HAV IgG,分析人群中抗-HAV IgG流行率。结果 2008年广州市20岁以上正常人群抗-HAV IgG总流行率为72.2%(361/500),男性人群阳性率为73.2%(230/314),女性人群阳性率70.4%(131/186)。20~岁组、30~岁组、40~岁组、50~岁组和60岁以上组抗-HAV IgG阳性率分别为52.8%(56/106)、52.5%(63/120)、82.5%(94/114)、89.8%(88/98)和96.8%(60/62),随年龄增长而上升。结论目前广州市20~39岁组人群抗-HAV IgG阳性率较低,建议对该人群的易感者进行甲型肝炎疫苗免疫。
Objective To investigate the prevalence of hepatitis A antibody (anti-HAV IgG) in normal population over the age of 20 in Guangzhou in 2008. Methods In 2008, 500 serum samples were collected from healthy people in Nanfang Hospital of Guangzhou City in Guangzhou. Five hundred serum samples from normal population over the age of five were collected. Abbott anti-HAV IgG diagnostic kit (chemiluminescence assay) Of anti-HAV IgG, the prevalence of anti-HAV IgG in the population was analyzed. Results The prevalence of anti-HAV IgG in Guangzhou population over the age of 20 was 72.2% (361/500) in 2008, the positive rate was 73.2% (230/314) in males and 70.4% (131/186) in females, . The positive rates of anti-HAV IgG in 20 ~ 30 years group, 40 ~ year group, 50 ~ year old group and 60 years old group were 52.8% (56/106), 52.5% (63/120), 82.5% (94/114), 89.8% (88/98) and 96.8% (60/62) respectively, which increased with advancing age. Conclusions At present, the positive rate of anti-HAV IgG in 20-39 age group in Guangzhou is relatively low. It is suggested that hepatitis A vaccine should be immunized against susceptible persons in this population.