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麸醋酸即未加盐的初发酵酸,一般食用醋酸厂均可提供。笔者试用麸醋酸代替柠檬酸,作溶解硫酸亚铁的介质,矫治柑桔缺铁效果显著,受到果农的欢迎。现将具体方法介绍如下: 1.发酵 在粪池中进行,其配方是:优质人畜粪水30挑,浓度为10度(粪液比重表测定);菜枯6公斤;麸醋酸(pH2~3)2.5公斤;硫酸亚铁1.3公斤(该配方用量以矫治10株黄化树计)。先将硫酸亚铁在麸醋酸中溶解后,倒入池中与粪水、菜枯搅拌均匀,然后密封粪池,发酵13天即可使用,此时发酵液 Bran acetic acid that is not salt of the initial fermentation acid, the general consumption of acetic acid plant can provide. I try to replace bran acid acetic acid instead of citric acid, dissolved ferrous sulfate medium, the effect of citrus deficiency iron deficiency was significantly welcomed by the fruit growers. Now the specific methods are described as follows: 1. Fermentation in the septic tank, the formula is: high quality human and animal manure 30 picks, the concentration of 10 degrees (fecal gravity table determination); cabbage dry 6 kg; ) 2.5 kg; 1.3 kg of ferrous sulfate (the amount of formula to treat 10 yellowing trees). Ferrous sulfate is first dissolved in bran acetic acid, poured into the pool with the manure water, stir well, and then sealed septic tank, fermentation can be used for 13 days, this time fermentation broth
本文介绍水泥混凝土路面厚度超声检测仪和宽带换能器的设计,利用超声反射法检测厚度,工程实际检测应用,误差在5%左右。 This article introduces the design of cement concrete
1948年5月24日。香港。 朝阳用光的柔指,轻轻拉开夜的帏幕,重又把温煦的阳光洒向这熙熙攘攘的都市,洒向玛丽医院她居住的那间小小的病室。 她醒了。用她那深陷明亮而睿智的
  It is proposed that when people give a gift they engage in 'love accounting',so that they will spend less on it if they include a written expression of love
和谐的性生活,除了给双方带来愉悦外,还可以延年益寿。但是,不良的性生活,或性关系紊乱,则可能成为癌症的诱发因素,危害健康和生命。  统计研究发现,女性生殖系统的癌肿,尤其是外阴癌和子宫颈癌,与性关系紊乱密切相关。如将初次性生活年龄大于18岁或更迟者,患上子宫颈癌的相对危险度定为1的话,首次性交年龄在17~18岁者的相对危险度则为2.16,15~16岁者为2.91,15岁或更早者是2.08。同样,性
工业毒物引起的肺水肿,为职业病中常见的病变,根据我所近年抢救治疗的病例,对其临床特征及治疗问题总结如下,供今后工作参考。 Pulmonary edema caused by industrial toxi