《谈谈辩证法问题》是列宁于 1915年写成的一篇笔记式短文 ,他集中体现了列宁对唯物辩证法研究的广度和深度。列宁在对帝国主义及其战争的综合考察中 ,在对第二国际修正主义的斗争中 ,捍卫和发展了马克思主义哲学 ,特别是唯物辩证法。今天学习列宁这篇哲学著作 ,对于深入地学习邓小平同志丰富的辩证法思想 ,准确地理解“特色理论体系”的哲学基础 ,及时地破除前进道路上的各种形而上学观点 ,无疑具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义
“Talking about the Issue of Dialectics” is an essay written by Lenin in 1915, which epitomizes Lenin’s breadth and depth in the study of materialist dialectics. During his comprehensive investigation of imperialism and its war, Lenin defended and developed Marxist philosophy, especially materialist dialectics, in the struggle against the second international revisionism. Studying Lenin’s philosophical book today is of great realistic significance for in-depth study of Deng Xiaoping’s rich dialectical thinking, an accurate understanding of the philosophical foundation of the “characteristic theoretical system,” and the timely removal of various metaphysical points of view on the road to progress. Far-reaching historical significance