New Environmental—Friendly Supermarket: Zero Waste, No Packing Bag

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  Germany has been well-known in the world for its highly attention to environmental protection, and its efforts and achievements in renewable energy and reducing carbon emission. Since mid-1880s when German government adopted “reduction, utilization, disposal” as the core concept of environmental management, avoiding the producing of wastes and reusing the wastes produced in the production processes have become the primary rule for the industrial production in Germany.
  Recently, the first supermarket without packing bags in Germany was opened in Berlin -- Original Unverpackt. This market is located in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg District of Berlin. Every part of the supply chain follows the principle of “zero waste” -- to reduce the consumption of water and oil resources. All the products in Original Unverpackt come from local suppliers, which can lower the cost of transportation and reduce the waste of resources and pollution in the transportation process. The supermarket mainly sells organic food, low-price and convenient food, non-food cleaning products and cosmetics.
  We all know that plastic is the largest killer for environment. In Original Unverpackt, people donot see plastic bags, plastic bottles or packing boxes. No item in the supermarket has any package, and all are sold in bulk after weighing. Customers need to bring their own shopping bags or buy glass container or borrow reusable containers to put the products in the supermarket. Since the refuse landfills in Germany dispose about 16 million tons of packing products, the supermarket hopes to reduce pollution caused by packing bags through this action.
  The idea of environmental-friendly supermarket comes from the owner of Original Unverpackt Sara Wolf and Miena Glimbovski. They were quite concerned about the large number of plastic bags produced in shopping, so they quitted school to research how people can eliminate plastic bags in the shopping process. The plan of abandoning plastic bags has been brewed for two years. A large amount of fund was raised immediately after this initiative was proposed, and the investing group hoped they can set a precedent in clean shopping revolution.
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Born in Seoul, Korea in 1946, Hon. Chung Eui-yong received a B.A. in International Relations from Seoul National University in 1968 and an M.P.A. in International Affairs and Security from Harvard Ken