“部党委实行办事公开,干部、职工的心从没像现在这样贴近,如同家人一般。”“大家对待部里的工程建设就像对待自家的住房建设一样,倾注满腔心血和辛勤汗水。”2002年12月上旬,笔者在江西省乐安县人武部采访时,干部、职工如是说。 “家事”平等共议 “公家的事是领导的事,办好自家的事,才是正经事”,这样的思想观念也曾在乐安县人武部的干部、职工中有过市场。部党委实行办
“The implementation of the ministry’s party committees is open, and the hearts of cadres and workers have never been as close as they are now.” “Everybody treats the construction in the ministry just as if it were the construction of one’s own home, pouring full efforts and sweat.” In early December of this year, when the author interviewed the Lean County Armed Forces Department of Jiangxi Province, cadres and workers said so. “Family Affairs” equally discuss “public affairs is the leading thing, do their own thing, is decent”, this concept has also been in Lean County cadres, staff have had a market. Ministry of Party committees to do