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2011年4月《铁军》杂志将迎来正式创刊10周年。为感谢广大读者和社会各界的关爱、支持,进一步加强沟通互动,集思广益、共谋发展,本刊特开设“我与《铁军》”栏目,并于今年第6期刊登了征稿启事。目前,编辑部已陆续收到读者的来稿。现根据新闻出版总署和江苏省新闻出版局关于开展“全民阅读报刊行”活动的要求,经研究决定将“我与《铁军》”栏目同时作为全民阅读活动专题栏目,并采用Logo统一标识,对活动进行持续宣传报道,着重介绍有关部门和单位组织开展全民阅读活动的收获、经验和体会,宣传阅读活动中的先进单位和先进个人,以营造全社会热爱阅读的良好氛围。认真听取广大读者的意见和建议,不断改进编辑工作,以更好地服务于全民阅读活动。欢迎广大读者积极参与、不吝赐稿。 April 2011 “Tiejun” magazine will usher in the official launch of the 10th anniversary. In order to thank the readers and all sectors of society for their love and support, and to further strengthen communication and interaction, brainstorm and seek common development, we hereby open a column entitled “I and” “Iron Army” and publish the Call for Papers in the 6th of this year. At present, the editorial department has received readers’ contributions one after another. According to the requirements of the General Administration of Press and Publication and the Jiangsu Provincial Press and Publication Bureau on carrying out the activity of reading newspapers and magazines for all, the study determined that “I and” “Iron Army” should be taken as a topic column for reading activities for all at the same time. Logo uniform logo, the activities of continuous publicity and reporting, focusing on the relevant departments and units to organize activities to gain reading, experience and experience, promote reading activities of advanced units and individuals, in order to create a society of love reading good atmosphere. Listen carefully to the opinions and suggestions of readers, and constantly improve editorial work in order to better serve the reading activities for all. Welcome to the active participation of readers, let us feel generous.
1947年,胡宗南像条气疯了的狂犬,令其干将刘戡率领7个旅的兵力紧紧追赶不舍,死死盯住只有900多人的包括毛泽东、周恩来、任弼时在内的中共中央直属支队,从绥德一直追到米脂县。8月18日这一天,中央直属支队被迫到了黄河边。  形势万分危急,前面是汹涌滔天的黄河,后面是刘戡7个旅的已经近在屁股后面的追兵。  眼前只有一条出路:抢渡黄河。  可是,明摆在面前的一条生路,大伙儿却谁都不敢说出口,就是身为军
斯坦贝克( John Steinbeck, 1902- 1968) 是20世纪最受欢迎和尊敬的美国作家之一, 曾荣获1962年诺贝尔文学奖。他最为著名的作品是小说《愤怒的葡萄》( The Grapes of Wrath)
我院儿科从 1993~ 1998年底收治了 10 8例结核性脑膜炎患者 ,现总结如下。临床资料一、一般资料本组 10 8例中 ,男 57例 ,女 51例 ;维族 56例 ,哈族 2 4例 ,回族 15例 ,汉族 9
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