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提起高血压,人们也许会认为这是中老年人易患的疾病。然而,现代医学专家发现,高血压的病根起源于儿童和青少年时期,危险因素在生命早期就已存在。刚刚开始时,儿童的血压可能完全正常,也可能稍许偏高;随着年龄的增长,尤其是步入转折年龄阶段(如青春期),高血压的某些征兆便逐渐显露出来。因此,应争取在生命早期就发现那些对高血压起决定作用的危险因素,以利于有效地预防和控制高血压的发生和发展。对儿童来说,做到早期发现和早期给予适当的治疗是很重要的。在家庭方面,要注意饮食保健。在饮食生活方面,应遵循下列保健原则:1.对于体重超过正常水平的儿童,应适当控制饮食,避免肥胖。为此,首先要控制热量的摄入和减少膳食中脂肪的含量。每日食入脂肪的热量应低于总热量的30%,其中饱和脂肪占10%以下。特别要限制进食动物性脂肪,如肥猪肉、猪大肠等。因为动物性脂肪中含有大量的饱和脂肪酸,能使胆固醇升高。晚餐丰富的家庭更要控制高脂肪饮食,以免过多的胆固醇在动脉壁上沉积,从而导致早期动 Mentioning high blood pressure may be considered as a predisposition for the elderly. However, modern medical experts have found that the root causes of high blood pressure originated in childhood and adolescence, and that risk factors existed early in life. At the beginning, children’s blood pressure may be normal or slightly elevated; some signs of high blood pressure gradually become apparent as they age, especially at the transitional age (eg adolescence). Therefore, we should strive to find those risk factors that play a decisive role in the early stage of life, in order to effectively prevent and control the occurrence and development of hypertension. For children, it is important to do early detection and early treatment. In the family, pay attention to diet and health care. In the diet life, should follow the following principles of health care: 1. For children overweight than normal, should be appropriate diet, avoid obesity. To do this, we must first control the calorie intake and reduce the fat content of the diet. Daily intake of fat calories should be less than 30% of total calories, including saturated fat accounted for 10% or less. In particular, to limit the intake of animal fat, such as fat pork, pig intestine and so on. Because animal fat contains a lot of saturated fatty acids, can raise cholesterol. Dinner-rich families have to control the high-fat diet, so too much cholesterol in the artery wall deposition, resulting in early move
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【摘 要】我国的环境保护工作虽然取得积极进展,但环境形势依然十分严峻,环境管理严重滞后,与环境保护任务要求不相适应,必须把环境保护摆在更加重要的战略位置。本文分析了我国环境保护当前面临的形势,并详细阐述了环境保护的对策。  【关键词】环境保护;形势;对策;大气污染;公众参与  一、环境保护的内容  目前情况来看,我国环境保护这一项工作的主要内容普遍是以预防为主然后再结合治理的原则,其主要内容包括以
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