Cultural and Economic Maps Within the Italian Agricultural Landscape

来源 :Sociology Study | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bashi0000
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  The paper situates itself within a Ph.D. research investigating the relationship between food cultural habits and the builtenvironment, aiming to understand how thinking on sustainable food production and distribution can help deal in a new waywith urban sustainability by considering the cultural principles connected to the Slow Food philosophy. The paperinvestigates the activities of a small group of Italian wine producers and farmers within the agricultural landscape aroundPiacenza, and the way they influence the transformation of local urban and rural environments through either the applicationof the principles promoted by the Slow Food organization, or the creation of alternative "unofficial" strategies. Through theanalysis of documents relating to the past and present history of the agricultural territory around Piacenza and its materialculture, the presented study aims to understand how historically consolidated contexts are physically transformed throughfood culture. Considering historical and economic works on the Italian agricultural landscape, the paper stresses thedichotomy between consolidated cultural practices acting on a historically traditional landscape, and the innovation comingfrom the subversion of those practices, by visualizing them through a qualitative-quantitative gastronomic map of the localterritory.
  Italy, landscape, food, history
地铁施工对周边环境的影响不容忽视,其诱发地表沉降预测与控制是亟待深入研讨的重要课题。针对地铁施工诱发地表变形的特征和规律,应用 ANSYS 有限元软件结合实测的断面数据,