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加强生态建设,维护生态安全,是二十一世纪人类面临的共同主题,也是我国经济社会可持续发展的重要基础。2003年《中共中央国务院关于加快林业发展的决定》,对全面建设小康社会的生态建设目标提出了明确的要求,赋予了作为生态建设主体的林业在我国生态建设中的首要地位。2005年新春伊始,全国绿化委员会副主任、国家林业局局长周生贤在全国林业厅局长会议上提出,我国生态建设取得了可喜成效,也面临不少问题,目前正处在“治理与破坏相持的关键阶段”。林业作为生态建设的主体,一定要放在国家建设的全局中去谋划,才能实现持续快速协调健康发展。近日,在接受记者采访时,周生贤着重就如何理解当前我国生态建设所处的“治理与破坏相持的关键阶段”,做了进一步阐述。 Strengthening ecological construction and safeguarding ecological security are common themes that mankind is facing in the 21st century and an important foundation for the sustainable economic and social development of our country. The 2003 Decision of the State Council on Accelerating Forestry Development of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China set forth clear requirements for the goal of ecological construction in building an overall well-to-do society and given the forestry, as the main body of ecological construction, a primary position in the ecological construction of our country. At the beginning of the spring of 2005, Zhou Shengxian, deputy director of the National Greening Committee and director of the State Forestry Administration, put forward at the meeting of the director of the National Forestry Department that the ecological construction in China has achieved gratifying results and faces many problems. At present, it is in the key point of “treating and destroying the stalemate” stage“. As the main body of ecological construction, forestry must make plans in the overall national construction so as to achieve sustained, rapid, coordinated and healthy development. Recently, in an interview with reporters, Zhou Shengxian focused on how to understand the current ecological construction in China where the ”governance and destruction of the key phase of stalemate," made further elaboration.