Strategies for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language from the Perspective of cognitive linguistics

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  ◆ABSTRACT: In the process of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, vocabulary teaching has always been in a relatively difficult situation. Due to the large and scattered characteristics of vocabulary system, it is difficult for teachers to achieve the ideal teaching results. This paper mainly from the cognitive language, studies the teaching strategies of Chinese vocabulary as a foreign language, and puts forward some optimization methods to improve the effect and methods of vocabulary teaching.
  ◆KEYWORDS:cognitive language; teaching Chinese as a foreign language; teaching strategy
  1 Vocabulary learning in Chinese learning
  In the process of learning vocabulary, children's generalization ability, cognitive ability and communicative ability are also developing continuously.Thus, there is a mutually reinforcing relationship between them.Compared with the learning process of native language vocabulary, the learning process of foreign language vocabulary is more complicated and special.People with different personality and cognitive characteristics will have different learning situations when learning a foreign language.Children are those who learn two or more languages simultaneously in a bilingual environment. The learner begins to learn a new language after he/she has mastered his/her mother tongue. In this case, the learner may be a child, but also an adult.In this case, learners may be influenced by personal differences, emotional factors and even environmental factors when learning a new language.
  2 The application of cognitive linguistics in vocabulary teaching of Chinese as a Foreign language
  2.1 image Schema theory and TCFL vocabulary teaching
  Intention is a cognitive model, which is based on the original experience of human beings and provides sufficient psychological basis for language structure. Images in cognitive linguistics have different meanings, and these meanings may not be related to each other. The use of pictorial representation of structural images, that is to say, the use of concrete images to metaphor abstract concepts. According to the related research, we can find that many locative words in Chinese originate from human body parts.
  2.2 Metaphor Theory and TCFL vocabulary teaching
  metaphor theory is a cognitive means, the essence of metaphor is to understand and experience one thing through another, it is a mapping, abstract approach, mapping their familiar semantics to abstract, less familiar target domains for semantic understanding. The use of metaphor theory can make vocabulary no longer confined to specific items, further construct other abstract and complex concepts, and form a complete set of conceptual systems. As an important cognitive style, metaphor can help us better understand the mechanism of language. For example, "head" , the original meaning refers to "head" , "head" is the most important part of the body, later extended to "head" , "consent" and so on.   3 Strategies for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language from the perspective of cognitive linguistics
  Lexical chunk memory strategy refers to the recombination of vocabulary after mastering the known vocabulary, so as to increase one's vocabulary and the depth of knowledge cognition.To put it simply, lexical chunks are a fixed or semi-fixed pattern in language.When we use magnetic blocks, it is generally lump-sum storage and retrieval.That is to say, word block is a combination of words, it is a language unit that can express a certain meaning and has a certain structure.
  Another approach is contextual teaching strategies.Linguistic context and linguistic context are interdependent languages and cannot exist without context.Under the influence of context, abstract words become more vivid and concrete.Moreover context for vocabulary also to have certain restriction, and constraints, because in different context for the use of vocabulary is also have different requirements of the same word, in a different context can present a different meaning, so context teaching strategies in vocabulary teaching of Chinese as a foreign language has a very important role.When using contextual teaching strategies, teachers should actively create an effective language environment for students, stimulate students' original memory, help students encode new information, and finally achieve the purpose of enabling students to master words.For example, there are a large number of synonyms in Chinese, which are very difficult for learners. Teachers can put synonyms in the context, so that students can understand the subtle differences between words.
  Any kind of things are in contrast with other things show their own characteristics. The same is true of Chinese words. The meaning, connotation and usage of a word can be reflected in the comparative analysis of its synonyms, Antonyms and quasi- sememe. There are a large number of synonyms and antonyms in Chinese, which can reflect the rich feelings of the Chinese people. In the process of Chinese as a foreign language, teachers can use the strategy of comparative memory to deepen learners' understanding of words and to better master Chinese vocabulary.
  The teaching of synonym contrast is a key and difficult point in Chinese as a foreign language. Learners are often confused by synonyms with little difference in meaning and are prone to confusion in their use. When using the strategy of contrast, the learners can compare and analyze the new words with the synonyms which are similar to the meaning of the words they have learned before, so that they can not only review the words they have learned, it also deepens the memory and understanding of new words and expressions. For example, "fruit" and "consequence"is often confused by learners of Chinese as a foreign language. "Fruit" is a commendatory word that refers to the gain after hard work. And the consequence refers to the outcome of bad, failure, is a derogatory term. In the process of teaching, teachers can put the two words together, so that students better understand and digest the different meanings of the two words.   In addition to the above methods and strategies, teachers need to communicate with learners in a timely manner and discuss with learners the differences between the meanings of words in their language and those in China. For learners' doubts, teachers need to explain the meanings and answer questions, and sometimes they need to solve them from the perspective of culture.Teaching is not only a kind of technology, but also an art. Teachers should be knowledgeable, use appropriate teaching means and teach students according to their aptitude to achieve good teaching results.
  4 Conclusion
  Cognitive linguistics theory is a rapidly developing linguistic theory in the past 20 years, in which knowledge related to human cognitive research is widely collected, such as neurology, philosophy, anthropology, cognitive psychology, etc. The concept of cognitive linguistics runs through the process of teaching Chinese vocabulary as a foreign language.During teaching, teachers' teaching methods and strategies will have an impact on learners, and inappropriate teaching methods will easily lead to students' aversion to the study of Chinese as a foreign language.Therefore, TCSL teachers must master various teaching methods proficiently, and adopt different teaching methods according to the needs of teaching content and students' cognitive level in the teaching process, so as to make vocabulary teaching more effective.
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