
来源 :胜利油田师范专科学校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhengji1
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长期以来,史学界对新生活运动的评价,一般从阶级立场出发持否定和批判态度。本文试图从民族主义的立场和原则出发,从理论和实践两个方面考察新生活运动对于抗战所起的积极作用。新生活运动“明耻教战”的理论,成为激扬民族情感、预警抗敌御侮的精神力量和思想武器。新生活运动的实践也充分体现了抗日御侮这一主题,对抗战确有助益,其积极意义不容忽视。 For a long time, historians generally evaluate the new life movement from a class standpoint with a negative attitude and a critical attitude. This article attempts to set out from the standpoint and principles of nationalism and examine the positive role played by the new life movement in the theory and practice of the War of Resistance Against Japan. The theory of “shamelessness and warfare” in the new life movement has become the spiritual force and ideological weapon for stimulating the national feelings and warning the enemy against aggression. The practice of the new life movement fully embodies the theme of the anti-Japanese imperialist insult and it is indeed helpful to the war of resistance. Its positive significance can not be ignored.
2016年5月7日,美国特斯拉汽车公司(Tesla)生产的一辆Model S电动轿车在自动驾驶模式下发生撞车事故,导致司机身亡。在随后的几个月里,特斯拉自动驾驶汽车多次出现事故,但是尚