物理学科是以实验为基础的一门学科,在实验中让学生学会科学探究远比记忆一些实验结论重要的多。“上科版”初中物理教材突出了实验过程的探究。所以教师应该很好理解和应用好教材。 一、提示实验方法,引导学生探究物理规律 教师不能简单的把书中的演示实验做一遍,然后直接把结论告诉学生。例如在探究影响导体电阻大小的因素一节,可以在演示前:1.提出问题:导体电阻的大小由哪些因素决定?2.猜想与假设:导体电阻究竟与什么因素有关?如何选择器材?怎样连接电
Physics is based on the experimental discipline, allowing students to learn scientific inquiry in the experiment far more important than remembering some experimental conclusions. “The upper version of” junior high school physics textbook highlights the experimental process of inquiry. Therefore, teachers should understand and apply good teaching materials well. First, tips experimental methods to guide students to explore the laws of physics Teachers can not simply do the demonstration experiment in the book again, and then tell the students directly conclusions. For example, to explore the factors that affect the size of the conductor resistance section, you can in the demonstration before: 1. Ask the question: What is the size of the conductor resistance? 2. Conjecture and Assumptions: What is the conductor resistance and what factors? How to choose equipment? Connect the electricity