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  The purpose is to make the audience produce rich associations and imagination, and then expand the connotation and artistic conception of the picture. In recent years, blank space has been extended to the field of visual design, especially in the field of photography. Taking photography as an example, this paper discusses the specific application of blank space in graphic design.
  1.The significance and value of blank in photographic composition
  The "blank" for photography has more imagination, "blank" in photography can encourage people to think or imagine, we take photos are often afraid of bad account figures purport relationship, as much as possible all kinds of visual elements with screen photos, the brim to stimulate the eye, the lack of flavor. Watch is not strong. But the blank gives the screen the opportunity to breathe, and we can also feel the relationship through the blank media, without too straightforward, so that the photos have ornamental. "Blank" can release emotion. Let the viewer resonate with the picture. Arnold Newman often uses "blank" when photographing "environmental portrait", which makes the picture highly visual tension. For example, he shot the modern dancer - Marsha Graeme, as this century art master (musician Stravinsky, painter Picasso Graham Newman) in front of the camera is natural, elegant, confident. A simple action can connect people with dance. There is no grand scene, no gorgeous clothes, and no exaggeration. Like Newman's other works, this highly illustrated environmental portrait has a very distinctive personal style. It's just a corner of the rehearsal room, white walls, black clothes, minimalist. That is because this just right picture blank layout, making people's line of sight can concentrate on dancer Graeme, stimulate people's imagination, let the viewer in the Association for a long time can not stop.
  2.The blank artistic expression of Arnold Newman
  2.1 Creative spatial layout。
  Arnold Newman is good at creative layout. Extreme spatial relationship processing, a large amount of blank space, creative arrangement of the relationship between blank and entity, based on the environment as a foil to highlight the identity of the person, occupation and other expressions. During the same period, photographer Erwin Payne (Irving Penn), Richard (Richard Avedon), Witton also indulge in the darkroom studio behind closed doors, Newman's "environmental portraits" has emerged in the world of photography, the father of the "environmental portrait" almost never in the studio, he took almost all of the characters in they are of great significance to the relationship between the local shooting. In his early years, he took a lot of work experience in photography studio, abundant experience and strict training, which laid a solid foundation for Newman to create his own photography style. The preparation for filming is always very careful, in addition to the smooth communication with the subject, careful observation and layout is Newman's ultimate magic weapon. While photographing, Newman arranges his characters like arranged still life. For the picture structure, he has to think over the composition and communicate with the subject until he gets a natural and stable state of the picture.   2.2 The inner power in the viewfinder frame。
  When we look at Arnott Newman's "Igor Stravinsky" and the composer Luo Dan's sculpture "the thinker", to find inner strength of its appearance in the implication, the mind is always very touched by the state body. "The thinker" in the life of a strong sense of body, let the pain on the face, forehead, eyebrow and eyes tight sudden depression; muscles in the trunk and limbs uplift, tighten the calf tendon and convulsive contraction of the toes together to body contraction, gather, effectively convey quiet and hidden in the inner surface of the thinking power. It is proved that the musician regards music as the great creativity of life and its sonorous and impassioned musical style. It is symbolized by the triangular frame of visual subject and the surface of piano cover straight and curved. The cohesion of the source from the very inconspicuous lower left corner of the screen, is pondering the composer, his wisdom and infinite inner strength to the sonorous, passionate, bold melody, is again on the side of the piano.
  Through the analysis of the blank application in visual design in photography, it is not difficult to find, the blank is appropriate or not can increase the whole picture of the art and spirituality, thus breaking the restrictions in the design of the frame, the blank is not equal to the "blank", but to the audience left to the imagination. At the same time, the human eye also needs to rest, the appropriate blank space can give the reader better visual experience. This is true of photographic works, as well as design works.
作者简介:陈欢娇,1994年11月17日出生,女,汉族,现就读于江西师范大学外国语学院2016级学科教学英语专业。主要研究方向:英语教学。  摘要: 作为语言的三大组成成分之一,词汇在英语学习过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。对于中国大多数以英语为外语的学习者来说,词汇在语言习得过程中是一个必要的、根本的因素。学习者学习词汇最有效的方法并不是依赖于教师,而是要靠自己独立地运用词汇学习策略。本文是对词汇学
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作者简介:周腾萍,1994年09月12日出生,女,汉族,现就读于江西师范大学外国语学院2017级学科英语专业。主要研究方向:教育学。  周田,1994年09月15日出生,女,汉族,现就读于江西师范大学外国语学院2017级学科英语专业。主要研究方向:教育学。  摘要: 在一定程度上,教育理念是受到国家的政治、经济等因素的影响的,同时反作用影响社会的政治经济。因此,研究两国教育之间的差异对于中国教育的
作者简介:李畅,1994年8月15日出生,女,汉族,现就读于江西师范大学外国语学院2017级学科教学(英语)专业。主要研究方向:二语习得。  江薇,1995年10月8日出生,女,汉族,现就读于江西师范大学外国语学院2017级学科教学(英语)专业。主要研究方向:二语习得。  摘要: 通识教育是人文教育和科学教育的整合,它的目的在于让大学生既有深厚的各学科文化基础知识,又要培养大学生专业的本专业知识文
作者简介:谢玲义,1992年11月10日出生,女,汉族,现就读于江西师范大学教育学院2016级小学教育专业。  摘要: 生涯教育是整个人生教育过程中不可缺少的一个重要的组成部分。其教育目的是帮助学生正确的认识自己,接触实际的社会工作以及了解自己生活着的世界,为自己未来可能发展的方向和生活做好准备。在我国台湾地区较早的把生涯教育引入到中小学的课程体系中,并经过多年实践取得了一定的成果。因此,大陆地区
摘要: 英语是国际主流语言,影响着高中生未来的成长发展,因此,加强对高中生英语教育教学是非常重要的教学任务。目前,高中英语教学效果并不明显,需要高中英语教师采取有效地措施提升英语教学的效果。而情境教学法的应用可以有效激发学生的思维,提高学生英语学习的兴趣,因此在英语教学中,教师必须要为学生创设合适的教学情境,使英语教学活动顺利开展。  关键词: 情境教学;高中英语;教学应用  【中图分类号】G63
摘要: 书院在学生管理方面,注重对学生思想道德、学业和生活的教育,并且显见于各大书院的学规之中。书院把德育放在首位,注重道德实践,要求穷理诚敬,造就了一大批优秀人才。  關键词: 江西书院;学规;学生管理  【中图分类号】G271【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2236-1879(2017)22-0032-01一、思想道德管理  (一)立品。在中国古代,不论是学生、教师,或者是官吏,都十分注重品德,比
作者简介:孙家娣(1995.3—),女,汉族,籍贯:黑龙江哈尔滨,哈尔滨师范大学,马克思主义学院,2016级硕士研究生,硕士学位,专业:马克思主义哲学,研究方向:马克思主义基本原理  摘要: 中国特色新型智库是党和政府科学民主决策的重要支撑、是当前国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要内容、是我国文化软实力的重要组成部分。随着国家对智库的进一步建设,中国特色新型智库日益成为当今中国发展不可或缺的影响因
摘要: :高中数学一直是很多同学高中学习阶段的拦路虎,与初中数学相比,高中数学的知识点难度高,对于我们的逻辑思维能力有着严格的要求,要提高数学学习质量,必须要讲求方法,突破学习难点与学习重点。本文根据自己的学习经验探讨高中数学难点知识的突破技巧。  关键词: :高中数学;难点知识;突破技巧  【中图分类号】G633.6【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2236-1879(2017)22-0029-01经
摘要: 讨论法是高中数学学习中时常采用的一种方法,比起初中数学,高中数学有着更强的逻辑性与抽象性,很多定理、概念等知识在理解起来,更为困难,此时,讨论法即可发挥出有效的作用。本文针对讨论法在高中数学学习中的应用做出分析。  关键词: 讨论法;高中数学学习;应用  【中图分类号】G642.4【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2236-1879(2017)22-0031-01讨论法是目前在新课程改革过程中课