年底不仅是商用产品推陈出新的高峰期,家用产品也不愿错过这个外冷内热的时节。在本期的十佳排行榜上,我们可以看到一流的商用产品,同时也能看到让您耳目一新的家用产品。 台式机和笔记本:新意连连 且不说Windows XP Media Center Edition2004中文版发布在即,且不说微软领衔惠普打头阵的“多媒体中心电脑”即将落户
At the end of the year is not only the peak of the commercial product innovation, household products do not want to miss this cold and heat of the season. In this issue of the top ten rankings, we can see first-class business products, but also to see you refreshing household products. Desktops and laptops: new ideas and not to mention Windows XP Media Center Edition2004 Chinese version released soon, not to mention Microsoft led Hewlett-Packard’s “multimedia center computer” imminent