德沃金是当代著名政治哲学家和法哲学家。他持自由主义的基本立场 ,强调个人权利的重要性 ,同时又像罗尔斯一样 ,力图找到一条调和自由与平等 ,在自由主义框架内弘扬平等的价值的思路。他不满意罗尔斯在《正义论》中的解决办法 ,于 1 981年至1 988年期间发表 4篇题目均为《什么是平等》的重要论文 ,引起学术界的广泛注意。德沃金是继罗尔斯、诺齐克之后值得我们重视的哲学家。
Dworkin is a famous contemporary political philosopher and legal philosopher. He held the basic position of liberalism and stressed the importance of individual rights. At the same time, he tried to find a way of reconciliation between freedom and equality and the promotion of equal values within the framework of liberalism. He was dissatisfied with Rawls’s solution in Justice and published four important articles entitled “What Is Equality” from 1981 to 1988, arousing widespread attention in academia. Dworkin is the philosopher worthy of our attention since Rawls and Nozick.