基于新疆肖塘地区农牧交错带天然胡杨林下18个采样点216个土壤样品和2.00 hm~2的胡杨样地,研究了胡杨林土壤盐分及pH特征和胡杨林种群结构。结果表明:研究区土壤全盐含量在10 cm深处达到最高然后随着深度的增加,全盐含量降低;pH值在垂直方向没有明显差别。研究区胡杨林生长受土壤盐分胁迫,林分稀疏,种群结构残缺,表现出衰退趋势,如果持续仅有少量根蘖个体更新,胡杨林将向衰退方向演替,直至消亡。
Based on 216 soil samples and 2.00 hm ~ 2 Populus euphratica sampled from 18 sampling sites in the natural-grazing area of the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry in the Shapotang area of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, the characteristics of soil salinity and pH, and population structure of Populus euphratica Populus were studied. The results showed that the content of total salt in the soil reached the highest at 10 cm depth and then decreased with the increase of depth. There was no significant difference in the vertical direction of pH. Populus euphratica growth in the study area under salt stress, sparsely populated, the population structure is incomplete, showing a declining trend, if only a small number of individuals with individual tiller renewal, Populus euphratica will decline to the direction of succession, until the demise.