目的 观察正常胚胎及胎儿各期肌肉及神经的发育, 作为研究幽门病理状态的基础。方法 标本为38 例胎龄8~35 周的胚胎及胎儿,1 例4 个月的婴儿。用HE染色法及Bielschowsky染色法进行切片染色, 对幽门肌、肌间神经节及神经丛的各期表现进行观察及定量研究。结果采用方差分析进行统计学处理。结果 随胎龄增大, 幽门内、外径增加, 外径变化更明显的与幽门括约肌的生长有关; 粘膜下层增厚, 占各层比例下降; 幽门肌细胞及神经节细胞增大; 幽门环形肌、纵形肌、括约肌、奥氏神经丛及神经细胞在不同胎龄出现, 但各期标本均未观测到斜形肌及典型的迈氏神经丛。结论 ①肌肉神经组织起源于间质组织。②幽门的迈氏神经丛在胚胎及胎儿期未成熟。③胎儿期斜形肌未发育。④胎儿期肌细胞已分化。⑤妊娠不同阶段神经肌肉的发育是相互联系的。
Objective To observe the development of muscles and nerves in normal embryos and fetuses at each stage as the basis for studying the pathological state of pylorus. Methods The specimens were 38 embryos and fetuses of 8 to 35 weeks gestational age and 1 infant of 4 months. H E staining and Bielschowsky staining for section staining, pyloric muscle, myenteric ganglia and plexus of the various stages of the performance were observed and quantitative studies. Results The analysis of variance was used for statistical analysis. Results With the increase of gestational age, the diameter and diameter of the pylorus increased, while the diameter of the pylorus changed more obviously with the growth of the pyloric sphincter. The thickness of the submucosa decreased, the proportion of layers decreased, the number of pyloric muscle cells and ganglion cells increased, Muscles, longitudinal muscles, sphincters, austria nerve plexus and nerve cells appeared at different gestational ages, but no oblique specimens and typical myelinated plexus were observed in all the specimens. Conclusion ① Muscle nerve tissue originated from interstitial tissue. ② pyloric myelinated plexus in the embryonic and fetal immature. ③ prenatal oblique muscle is not developed. ④ fetal myocyte differentiation. ⑤ different stages of pregnancy neuromuscular development are interrelated.